Devon RFU announce appointment of new age grade chair

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PRESSURE of work and the lingering effects of Covid-19 have led Nigel Middleton to step away from the chairmanship of the Devon Age Grade Committee and to reduce some of his other rugby commitments.

Devon RFU chair Geoff Simpson paid tribute to the dedication that Nigel has shown over many years in the role.

“He has overseen major changes in the age grade game, has painstakingly produced the playing calendar and has been the county’s principal GMS trainer along with supporting many other aspects young players’ rugby,” said Simpson. “We are immensely grateful for all he has done.”

The Devon RFU Management Board has appointed Graeme Gillard to take over as chairman with immediate effect.

As you are aware there are numerous changes coming down the line in age grade rugby for both girls and boys.

As some of these have yet to be fully communicated, the AGM has been postponed until all the information from the RFU is available. You will then be informed of the arrangements.

A recent email from club developers Sadie Lawson and Lizzie O’Connor summarises the age grade changes and provides links to more detailed information where available.

If you haven’t seen a copy, someone in your club has!

And finally, for those involved, don’t forget the Devon Girls’ Rugby Forum at Sandy Park, Exeter on Monday, June 27 at 7pm.

Useful contacts for Devon Age Grade Rugby Committee:

Chair: Graeme Gillard

Secretary: Verity White

Girls Lead: Sian Brooks